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Campaign Strategists Share Primary Election Insights with CalChamber

At the CalChamber Board of Directors dinner on March 7, immediate past chair Greg Bielli of Tejon Ranch moderates as Rob Stutzman of Stutzman...

Chambers Ask High Court: Help Homeless Crisis Fight

The California Chamber of Commerce has joined the U.S., Arizona and Montana chambers, and Oregon Business and Industry in asking the U.S. Supreme Court...

International Women’s Day: March 8

The timing of Women’s History Month traces its roots to International Women’s Day, March 8, marked each year as a day to celebrate globally...

Emergency Temp Rule Aims to Protect Workers Handling Artificial Stone

What is Cal/OSHA doing for workers who deal with manufactured artificial stone? On December 14, 2023, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board adopted an...

Cal/OSHA Releases Model Workplace Violence Prevention Plan

This week, Cal/OSHA finally released its much-anticipated model workplace violence prevention plan. Since the passage of last year’s landmark workplace violence prevention law — SB...

U.S. Trade Representative Releases President Biden’s Trade Policy Agenda

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) released President Joe Biden’s 2024 Trade Policy Agenda and 2023 Annual Report to Congress on...

California Approves $1.9 Billion EV Infrastructure Investment Plan

Last month, the California Energy Commission (CEC) approved a $1.9 billion investment plan that will accelerate progress on the state’s electric vehicle (EV) charging...