A project critical to protecting the water supply for millions of Californians reached a major milestone on December 8 when the state Department of Water Resources (DWR) released the final environmental report on the Governor’s Delta Conveyance Project.
Comparing the path of inflation during the 1970s and today, the numbers differ, but a similar pattern emerges. In both periods, inflationary pressures began building early when interest rates were low in the 1960s and 2010s, respectively.
California is the farthest state away from Europe geographically, yet the closest in terms of values, a European Union (EU) representative told a California...
The California Chamber of Commerce has joined the U.S. Chamber and a large coalition of chambers of commerce across the country to promote a federal framework on artificial intelligence (AI) development and adoption.
“Californians are being asked to strike a strange balance between being prepared for both biblical droughts and unprecedented deluges. The happy medium—never a common experience for the state—is shrinking,” states Letitia Grenier, director of the PPIC Water Policy Center.
Jonathan Martin, politics bureau chief and senior political columnist, POLITICO, entertains the audience at the CalChamber Board of Directors dinner on December 7 with anecdotes from his coverage of national political figures and presidential election politics.
Jonathan Brill, business futurist and transformation architect, describes for the CalChamber Board of Directors on December 8 his study of the “science of luck” — business decision making in times of uncertainty.
Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), 12-term representative of the 30th District in the U.S. House of Representatives, gives a recap of his background for the CalChamber Board of Directors on December 8.
Scholars at the Stanford Center for Carbon Storage and Stanford Carbon Removal Initiative recently released a landmark study providing an independent assessment of decarbonization options and alternatives.