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Career Advancement Best Practices in the Age of Remote, Hybrid Work

In Episode 191 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Associate General Counsel Matthew Roberts and business coach Nick Warner discuss the career advancement challenges remote...

California Trade Down in 2023, But State Still a Top Exporter

Trade statistics released this month by the U.S. Department of Commerce show that California, despite lower annual trade numbers, remained a top exporting state...

CalChamber-Opposed Bills Stall; Dead for the Year

Three California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills have stalled in the California Assembly and are dead for the year. The bills dealt with political contributions, non-compete...

Local Tax Measures Totaling $3.9+ Billion on March Ballots

Local tax and bond measures that cumulatively would increase taxes by more than $3.9 billion will appear on March ballots up and down the...

Asking Applicants about Vehicle Ownership May Be Discriminatory

We’ve experienced challenges with employees being unable to come to work due to car troubles. In job interviews, is it OK to ask an...

Overview of March Ballot Measure

Following is a brief summary of Proposition 1, which will appear on the March 5 Primary Election ballot. The California Chamber of Commerce supports...

Remembering Allan Zaremberg

Sunday, February 4th, marked the one-year anniversary of Allan Zaremberg’s passing. The day caused me to pause, again remembering and recognizing Allan’s legacy. A...

California Annual Pay Data Reporting Opens

The California Civil Rights Department (CRD) has updated its pay data reporting resources for 2024. Employers should start thinking about their annual pay data...

GO-Biz to Lead Delegation to SelectUSA Investment Summit

The California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is leading a delegation of California local economic development leaders and innovation partners to...

Local Chambers Rally for PAGA Reform

In a remarkable display of unified action, local chambers of commerce across California are taking a stand, meeting with state legislators to advocate for...