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CalChamber Joins Coalition to Oppose Costly Initiatives

The California Chamber of Commerce has joined a broad coalition of retailers, farmers, parents and small business owners that have organized a campaign committee—California...

More Analysis Needed on State-Run Retirement Savings Program

The California Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of employer groups say more analysis is needed before the state proceeds with developing a retirement...

CalChamber International Luncheon Highlights U.S./California-Irish Trade

Economic and trade ties are an important facet of overall U.S./California-Irish relations, explained the Honorable Alan Kelly T.D., Irish minister for the environment, community...

Call for Interviewees: Research Project on CEQA Litigation and Public Engagement

A team of University of Southern California graduate students is analyzing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to better understand whether CEQA litigation amounts...

Use of Megan’s List Forbidden for Employment Purposes

We did a background check on an applicant and it came back that he was a registered sex offender. Now we do not want...

CalChamber-Backed Bills to Address Teacher Shortage Move

Two California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills that will help California public schools recruit and retain quality teachers passed out of their respective policy committees...

CalChamber Backs Bills to Speed Water Supply Solutions

The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting a number of bills to expedite and reduce costs for water storage facilities, drought mitigation measures and...

CalChamber Takes Positions on Upcoming Initiatives

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors recently took positions on the following initiatives proposed for the November 2016 ballot. Drug Pricing Oppose: California Drug...

Chief Justice Touts High Court’s Planning for Future

A “Futures Commission” headed by two associate justices is looking at ways to meet the state’s judicial needs, California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye said...