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Japan-California Trade/Investment Ties: Annual Meeting Keeps Connections Strong

The numerous areas that affect trade and investment between California and Japan, one of the state’s largest export partners, were the subject of a...

Some Local Minimum Wage Increases to Take Effect July 1

Although the next increase in the California minimum wage is still six months away, a number of local minimum wage hikes are set to...

Committee Rejects Flexible Workweek Bill

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill providing employers with the flexibility to accommodate employees’ needs was rejected by the Senate Labor and...

Assembly Committee Advances Bill Eroding Housing Availability

The Assembly Banking and Finance Committee this week moved California Chamber of Commerce-opposed legislation that erodes housing availability. SB 1150 (Leno; D-San Francisco) has been...

Legislature OKs Budget

The California Legislature sent to the Governor this week a $123 billion budget plan for the fiscal year that begins July 1. Negotiations between the...

CalChamber Supports Governor’s Plan to Expedite Housing Development

The California Chamber of Commerce supports language proposed by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. in a budget trailer proposal that allows new market-rate housing...

Flexible Workweek Bill Set for Hearing

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill providing employers with the flexibility to accommodate employees’ needs is scheduled to be considered by the...

CalChamber-Led Coalition Continues Push to Clarify Draft Prop. 65 Warning Rules

A coalition led by the California Chamber of Commerce continues to highlight “unclear and ambiguous” sections of draft changes to the state’s Proposition 65...

Varied Uses of Paid Sick Leave Available Upon Employee Request

How can employees use California’s mandatory paid sick leave (PSL)? Under the Healthy Families, Healthy Workplace Act, California employers are required to allow employees who...

CalChamber Urges U.S. Senators to Support New Tools to Speed Needed Water Projects

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging a U.S. Senate policy committee to authorize new federally backed tools to help local agencies advance critically...