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Annual Meeting

In compliance with Article VII of the bylaws, notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the members of the California Chamber of...

Wins in Some Areas Offset by Cost Increases in Others

For the California employer community, the 2016 legislative year will have a variety of impacts, depending on the industry and size of business. Small businesses...

Just-Signed Bill Directs Development of Indoor Heat Illness Standard

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has signed a bill directing Cal/OSHA to adopt a regulation to prevent heat illness for indoor workers. SB 1167 (Mendoza;...

Final Status Report on Major Business Bills

The following list summarizes the final status of California Chamber of Commerce priority bills that were sent to the Governor this year. The CalChamber will...

Latest Regulation Packages Cover Skylights, Circular Saws and More

As the owner of a small manufacturing company, I would like to know if the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Board) has adopted...

CalChamber Joins D.C. Forums Supporting Trans-Pacific Partnership

The California Chamber of Commerce joined trade specialists from across the nation recently at sessions focusing on reasons to support the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Susanne...

CalChamber Presents Handy Ballot Guide

This edition of Alert includes a seven-page special report on the November ballot measures, including brief summaries of the California Chamber of Commerce reasons...

Signed Bills Help Business on Tax, Accessibility Issues

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. recently signed two California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills that improve fairness in the tax law administration process, and a...

Overview of November Ballot Measures

Following are brief summaries of the measures that will appear on the November 8 General Election ballot. When the California Chamber of Commerce has...