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Vacation Accrual During Leave Depends on Policy, Nature of Leave

Does the law require us to continue to accrue vacation for an employee while he/she is on a leave of absence? Whether an employee accrues...

Private Attorneys Target California Businesses for Public Nuisance Claims

Government entities’ use of contingency fee arrangements with private attorneys to pursue public nuisance claims against companies has been a growing concern for California...

New Form I-9 Includes Change in When It Must Be Completed

For the second time in less than a year, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has published a revised version of Form I-9,...

Reminder: Law Requires Electronic Filing/Payment of Payroll Taxes

The California Chamber of Commerce is reminding employers with 10 or more employees that they are required to electronically submit employment tax returns, wage...

4 Job Killer Bills Active at Legislature’s Summer Break

Three Senate job killer bills and one Assembly job killer bill remained active when the Legislature began its summer break on July 21. In addition,...

U.S. Department of Labor Seeks Input on Federal Overtime Exemptions

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is seeking comments on the federal overtime rule, which defines who is exempt from minimum wage and overtime...

Governor Signs Cap-and-Trade Extension

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. this week signed legislation extending the cap-and-trade program and providing the least costly path to achieving the state’s ambitious...

CalChamber Status Update Report on Major Legislation for Business

The following list summarizes top priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce and their status as of July 21, when the Legislature began...

Key to Valid Alternative Schedule: How Workweek, Workday Are Set

Our company has established a 9/80 alternative workweek schedule, but the employees work 44 hours one week and 36 hours the next week. Everything...

Career Programs Help Workers Gain Skills

There is a troubling chasm in the world of work today and it threatens U.S. prosperity and hopes of strengthening the middle class. Millions of...