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Mandatory E-File and E-Pay for All Employers

Effective January 1, 2018, all employers are required to electronically submit employment tax returns, wage reports, and payroll tax deposits to the Employment Development...

State Water Board Delays Final Action on Controversial Delta Plan

At the request of the administration, the State Water Resources Control Board plans to delay final action on the final draft plan update for...

Independent Contractor Test: Legislature Should Act

During an interview with KPCC radio this week, Jennifer Barrera, senior vice president of policy for the California Chamber of Commerce, highlighted the urgent...

High Court Ruling Raises Questions on Passage of Local Special Taxes

How many voters does it take to pass a local special tax? Since Proposition 13 in 1978, voters have had the final say on local...

Capitol Insider Blog — Get the App for the Latest Insights on Lobbying and Current Events in the Legislature

With just a few weeks remaining in the current session of the California

CalChamber Revives Disaster Relief Fund to Help California Businesses

The fires blazing throughout California are just the most recent example of the disasters that have hit the state in recent years. To provide assistance...

New Rule Bans Retaliatory Drug Testing of Employees Who Report Injury

Our company has a mandatory drug testing policy in the event of an accident/injury. Does the new federal regulation incorporated into the record-keeping requirements...

Administration Outlines Indo-Pacific Vision

“The Indo-Pacific, which stretches from the United States west coast to the west coast of India, is a subject of great importance to American...

California Wildfires: What Employers Need to Know

More than a dozen wildfires are raging up and down California, forcing evacuations and bringing tragedy and loss. As of August 9, the Carr...

New South Wales, CalChamber Share Sister State Discussion

On Monday, August 6, California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg and Vice President of International Affairs Susanne T. Stirling met with...