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New Proposition 65 Rules Include Supply Chain Liability

Minimizing liability is quintessential for any prudent business. Liability could mean costly lawsuits, the loss of valuable business opportunities or relationships, large monetary penalties, serious...

U.S. Policy Expert: Trade Talks to Open Markets Work Better than Tariff Wars to Boost Economy, Jobs

In an era where “trade is invading every zone,” increased tariffs on imports are the wrong way to generate prosperity for U.S. businesses, a...

CalChamber-Supported Korean Trade Agreement Moves Forward

Last week, the U.S. Trade Representative announced that the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement has been modified to “improve implementation of the trade pact.” Agreement Amendments The...

Just 1 Job Killer Remains

Strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce and its allies in the closing days of the legislative session prevented one energy-related job killer...

State Supreme Court Ruling Protects Employers, Preserves Workers’ Comp Exclusivity

The California Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of employers, finding that an employee’s tort claims against a doctor who reviewed workers’ compensation cases...

Independent Contractor Coalition Continues Working for Legislative Solution

The effort to develop a proposal supporting the ability of workers to work independently will continue through the legislative recess. As many employers know, the...

CalChamber Status Update Report on Major Legislation for Business

The following list summarizes top priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce and their status as of August 31, when the Legislature began...

Opinions Can Differ on What’s a ‘Reasonable’ Cost for Work Shoes

My company is in the manufacturing industry, and due to the nature of the business, our employees are required to wear safety shoes at...

U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Talks Continue

President Donald J. Trump on Friday, August 31 notified Congress of “his intention to enter into a trade agreement with Mexico—and with Canada if...