
Continued Drought Leads to Delivery Cuts, More Funds for Drought Response

As California enters another year of drought conditions, water shortages will again take their toll on California residents and businesses. Recent estimates put the direct...

December Storms Help, But California Remains in Drought

The December storms added to the Sierra snowpack on which the state depends for about 30% of its water supply, but California remains in...

Drought Challenges Increasingly Evident for Both Water Suppliers and Water Users

It’s official. California is in another drought cycle as are most of the western states. A look at the U.S. Drought Monitor shows a...

$5.1 Billion Drought/ Water Infrastructure Plan Includes Water Supply/Reliability

Governor Gavin Newsom on May 10 unveiled a $5.1 billion plan for California’s water infrastructure, drought response and preparations for a “climate resilient system.” In...

Drought Preparations Picking Up as State Dry Spell Continues with No Relief in Sight

California’s water supply levels are continuing to drop closer to those at the beginning of 2014, which was the start of the last drought...

California Water Outlook Trending Dry; Supply Depends on Rainy Season Outcome

It’s trending toward a dry water year. Long-range weather forecasts aren’t pointing to heavy precipitation in the coming months. However, forecasting weather is iffy. It...

Governor Issues Framework to Help State Get Ready for Water Supply Challenges

Governor Gavin Newsom has released a framework to help prepare the state’s water supply for the anticipated impacts of climate change. The Water Resilience Portfolio,...

Controversial Permit Jeopardizes Efforts to Secure Water Supplies for Californians

Action by a state department to dictate when and how much water can be pumped out of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the hub of...

Voluntary Water Agreements Get Nudge Forward from Administration

Ongoing discussions on improving conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, central to water access and supply considerations in California, inched ahead this month. The focus...

Ready or Not, Here It Comes—State Groundwater Regulation

January 31, 2020 marks the first time in California’s history that groundwater will be regulated. Twenty-one critically overdrafted groundwater basins must submit detailed plans showing...