The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) is in the process of developing regulations to prevent heat illness in indoor workplaces.
A California...
The state Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) should reject two Proposition 65 proposals that place additional and unjustified burdens solely on businesses,...
In a comment letter this week, the California Chamber of Commerce and other employer groups urged the Fair Employment and Housing Council to withdraw...
WARNING: Beginning August 30, 2018, new Proposition 65 regulations will take effect that significantly overhaul longstanding warning regulations and depart from the rules that...
Three California Chamber of Commerce-supported regulatory reform bills passed the Assembly Accountability and Administrative Review Committee this week with bipartisan support.
• AB 2087 (Waldron;...
California employers are once again left with uncertainty regarding the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) Enforcement Policies and Interpretations Manual following a California...
California has adopted a new workplace safety and health regulation to prevent and reduce work-related injuries to housekeepers in the hotel and hospitality industry....
While the latest version of the Cal/OSHA proposed draft indoor heat illness rule is improved over prior versions, a coalition of employer groups led...