
CalChamber-Opposed Bills Get Signatures, Win Vetoes

Legislation strongly opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce has been signed by the Governor, who also agreed with CalChamber opposition in vetoing other...

Governor Signs CalChamber-Supported Education Bills

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has signed a number of California Chamber of Commerce-supported bills that will encourage more students to enroll in computer...

Final Status Report on Major Business Bills

The following list summarizes the final status of priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce that were sent to the Governor this year,...

CalChamber Supports Propositions 1 and 2

Yes to Water Supply/Storage, Rainy Day Reserve The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting Proposition 1 and Proposition 2 on the November general election ballot. Proposition...

Governor Signs Two Job Creator Bills

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has signed two California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills. On September 18, the Governor signed AB 1839 (Gatto; D-Los...

Call for Veto of ‘Job Killer’ Imposing New Liabilities

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging all businesses to send a letter to Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. asking that he veto AB...

CalChamber Status Update Report on Major Legislation for Business

The following list summarizes top priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce and their status as of August 31, when the Legislature began...

Costly Anti-Business Bills Pass Legislature to Governor

Numerous proposals that make it more difficult and more expensive to do business in California passed the Legislature in the closing days of the...

Bill to Restore Tax Credit Funding Goes to Governor

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill to restore full funding to the California Competes Tax Credit program awaits action by the Governor...

Flood of Costly Proposals Moving in Legislature

California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills that don’t earn the “job killer” label still pose problems for California businesses and deserve to be rejected. The CalChamber...