
Severance Pay Doesn’t Disqualify Workers from Unemployment Benefits

Why was my former employee granted unemployment insurance benefits when I am already paying her full wages for the next six months as severance...

Latest Regulation Packages Cover Skylights, Circular Saws and More

As the owner of a small manufacturing company, I would like to know if the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Board) has adopted...

Premium Pay Applies Just Once Daily Per Missed Break/Meal

Please explain how the meal and rest break premiums are paid. When an employer fails to provide two rest breaks and two meal breaks...

Employers Should Have Reasonable Suspicion for Drug Testing Workers

Can I drug test my employee who is acting strangely and not answering questions correctly? His behavior is very suspicious. Every California employer can require...

Rest Breaks May Not Be Combined Except in Limited Circumstances

My employees all work an 8-hour day. It’s my understanding that when an employee works an 8-hour day, he or she is entitled to...

Dress Codes Must Be Applied in Nondiscriminatory Manner

Can I have a separate dress code for men and women? For years our company has had a separate dress code for men and...

State Expands Protections for Assistive/Support Animals in Workplace

My employee asked to bring his rat with him to work. He says the rat is a “support animal” that helps him deal with...

GPS Tracking of Employees Raises Privacy, Penal Code Questions

Am I legally permitted to track the location of my employees using a GPS device on a cellphone or vehicle? Monitoring employees through a GPS...

Policy Determines Vacation Accrual During Probationary Period

If an employee is terminated before completing a 90-day probationary period, do we have to pay accrued vacation? Yes, in most instances you are required...

Recording Conversation Requires Permission of All Parties

My employee wants to use her cell phone to privately record a conversation with another employee (without her knowledge). Can she do this? The answer...