Registration is now open for the California Chamber of Commerce 2016 Capitol Summit, which will be held May 17–18 in Sacramento.
Attendees will hear from...
William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard and a regular on political commentary shows, shares anecdotes with the CalChamber Board of Directors on the...
The CalChamber Water Committee takes a closer look during its December 3 meeting at state regulatory actions related to the drought, courtesy of Rami...
For clear explanations of employer obligations, take a seat at one of the California Chamber of Commerce 2016 Employment Law Updates seminars in January.
Beginning in 2016, employers subject to the mandate in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) must comply with reporting requirements concerning the health insurance coverage...
Political insights galore were one takeaway from the California Chamber of Commerce Fall Public Affairs Conference on November 3–4.
Insiders from both major parties, journalists,...
With 2016 being an election year, the California Chamber of Commerce Fall Public Affairs Conference this week brought together insiders from both major parties...
Assessing the victories and setbacks of the first half of the 2015–16 California legislative session, plus forecasting the priorities for the second half, will...