
Court Addresses Arbitration of ‘Headless’ PAGA Cases

In late 2024, the use of “headless” Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) actions — actions that do not allege an individual PAGA claim —...

Chamber Challenges Law Chilling Employer Speech

The California Chamber of Commerce and the California Restaurant Association (CRA) are urging a federal court to stop the implementation of a new California...

CalTax Files Suit Challenging State’s Retroactive Tax Increase

The California Taxpayers Association (CalTax) filed suit last month to challenge a retroactive tax increase, claiming it infringes on the rights of businesses operating...

Supreme Court: No Right to Intervene, Object to PAGA Settlement

It’s been a busy summer for California’s Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA). First, in July, California passed sweeping PAGA reform. Then, in August, the California Supreme...

Supreme Court: Public Entities Not Liable for PAGA Penalties

The Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) continues to make news as a decision from the California Supreme Court — amongst other holdings — determined...

California Supreme Court Upholds Proposition 22

After a lengthy legal challenge that began back in 2021, the California Supreme Court recently ruled that Proposition 22 is constitutional — a significant...

U.S. Supreme Court Overturns Chevron: What It Means for Employers

The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned Chevron USA Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, a case that, for nearly four decades, mandated that courts...

72% of Voters Support Reforming California’s Lawsuit-First PAGA System

Seventy-two percent of California voters support reforming the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) to provide California regulators with increased authority to enforce employee labor...

U.S. Supreme Court Says Lateral Job Transfer Can Be Discriminatory

The U.S. Supreme Court recently issued a decision holding that a lateral job transfer can be discriminatory under Title VII when the transfer brought...

Growing Coalition Backs Reform of State’s Broken Private Attorneys General Act

A broad and growing coalition of more than 120 organizations and businesses, including the California Chamber of Commerce, have joined the Fix PAGA coalition...