The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.

CalChamber-Backed Bills Go to Governor

A number of bills supported by the California Chamber of Commerce have passed the Legislature in recent weeks and will be considered next by...

CalChamber Webinar: Critical Steps After Harassment Investigation

You’ve worked closely with your legal department to investigate a harassment complaint, taken corrective action and disciplined the harasser. So why are your employees...

Pundit, Pollster Frank Luntz to Speak at Fall Public Affairs Conference

Assessing the victories and setbacks of the first half of the 2015–16 California legislative session, plus forecasting the priorities for the second half, will...

Fiscal Committees Clear Files; One Job Killer Bill Held

The Senate and Assembly Appropriations committees cleared their files this week, holding one job killer, and moving four to the Assembly Floor. In addition,...

Federal Change in Medi-Cal Funding Will Affect Health Care Premiums for All

When is a tax not really a tax? When the government gives the taxpayer more money in return than the taxes originally paid. That scenario...

CalChamber White Paper Recaps Key Employment Law Developments

California’s mandatory paid sick leave law is the story of the year. On July 1, employers had to start providing the benefit to employees....

Task Force Finalizes Recommendations to Close Workforce Gaps

A community college task force will present its final proposals on how to prepare California’s workforce for high-value jobs to the California Community Colleges...

Job Killer Vote Record Shows Success, Challenges

This edition of Alert presents a recap of floor votes on job killer bills before legislators went on their summer break. Although opposition from the...

CalChamber Leads Effort to Stop Initiative that Would Impede Public Works Investments

The California Chamber of Commerce is leading a coalition that is organizing to stop a proposed initiative that would hurt the state’s ability to...

14 CalChamber Member Companies Make Fortune Magazine Best Places to Work List

This year, 14 California Chamber of Commerce member companies were selected by Fortune magazine as some of the best companies for which to work. Best...

10 Job Killer Bills Remain at Start of Summer Recess

As of the July 17 deadline for bills to pass policy committees and move to the floor, seven Senate job killer bills and two...

CalChamber-Backed Job Creator Bills Survive Deadline

Four job creator bills are still alive following the July 17 deadline for bills to pass policy committees and move to the floor. The California...

CalChamber Status Update Report on Major Legislation for Business

The following list summarizes top priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce and their status as of July 17, when the Legislature began...

Teachers Summit to Provide Network Opportunities, Strategies, Resources

A coalition of California education institutions is inviting all preschool through high school California teachers and administrators to attend a July 31 summit to...

IRS to Offer Health Care Webinar Series in July, August, September

The Internal Revenue Service has designed three webinars to help business owners, tax managers and employee benefits managers understand the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA)...

33 CalChamber Member Companies Make Cut for Best Corporate Citizens List

Thirty-three California Chamber of Commerce member companies recently made Corporate Responsibility Magazine’s 16th annual list of “100 Best Corporate Citizens 2015.” The companies that made...

U.S. High Court Upholds Citizen Redistricting

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of Arizona citizens’ decision to have congressional district lines drawn by an independent redistricting commission rather...