A panel discussion at the CalChamber Board of Directors meeting on September 9 in the middle of an energy grid-challenging heat wave features presentations by industry leaders. From left are CalChamber Board member Maryam Brown, president of Southern California Gas Company; Marybel Batjer, partner of California Strategies and former president of the California Public Utilities Commission; Steve Powell, president and CEO of Southern California Edison; and CalChamber Board member Patti Poppe, CEO of PG&E Corporation. Panelists discussed the integration of renewable and traditional energy sources (such as natural gas), current practices to handle peak demand on hot days and prevent outages, and the potential for innovations in battery and green hydrogen technology to ensure the state’s energy infrastructure can provide affordable, equitable and reliable clean energy. Panelists agreed that communications among the energy generators go a long way toward keeping the lights on when the system is under stress.