Last week, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. released a revised budget plan for 2017–18 that continues to restrain new spending. The Governor warned that...
Managing state finances with a long-term view is a guiding principle for the Governor’s budget proposal for 2016–17, California Finance Director Michael Cohen told...
The ability of Californians to respond to challenges with imagination and innovation was a recurring theme in remarks at the 90th Annual Sacramento Host...
The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) this week released revenue projections a few billion dollars higher than estimated in the Governor’s budget plan, but...
Warning that a recession is inevitable, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. dampened spending expectations even as higher revenues have poured into state coffers.
Overall, the...
California voters this week overwhelmingly passed California Chamber of Commerce-supported Proposition 1, the water bond, and Proposition 2, the rainy day reserve measure.
CalChamber President...
With the General Election just around the corner, newspapers up and down the state have published editorials urging a “yes” vote on California Chamber...
The California Chamber of Commerce is joining Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. in supporting Propositions 1 and 2 on the November ballot. These measures...