Tag: Circular Economy

CalRecycle Delays Draft Plastic Recycling Rules

Responding to concerns about the cost and workability of draft plastic recycling regulations, Governor Gavin Newsom directed CalRecycle to redo the rules and the...

CalChamber Backs Circular Action Alliance

The California Chamber of Commerce has announced its support for the Circular Action Alliance (CAA) to become California’s Producer Responsibility Organization in accordance with SB 54 (Allen; D-Santa Monica).

CalChamber-Opposed Bills Miss Deadline

Two problematic bills opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce failed to move out of the Assembly last week and are likely dead for...

Recycling Compliance for 1-Use Packaging Makers, Distributors, Sellers

An upcoming CalChamber webinar will explain all the recycling compliance mandates following the passage of last year’s circular economy law. Anyone who manufactures, distributes or...

Adam Regele Promoted to VP of Advocacy and Strategic Partnerships

Adam Regele, CalChamber senior policy advocate, has been promoted to the newly created position of vice president of advocacy and strategic partnerships. Regele specializes...

CalChamber Webinar to Explain Complex California Recycling Laws

The CalChamber will be hosting a webinar explaining all the recycling compliance mandates following the passage of last year’s circular economy law, SB 54...