A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that provides the perfect pleading pathway for class action attorneys to avoid arbitration has passed the...
A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that could have substantially increased health care costs, without offering significant improvements in health outcomes or patient access...
Strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce helped to stop numerous harmful bills from continuing past the appropriations committees on Friday to reach...
A careful and historic compromise forged by the Legislature and the California Chamber of Commerce is under attack by legislation seeking to expand workplace...
Virginia K. Young, an experienced labor and employment attorney, has joined the California Chamber of Commerce Legal Affairs Department as employment law counsel.
She will...
I saw that the penalties are increasing for Cal/OSHA violations. Can you clarify what these increases entail?
In a budget trailer bill this year (SB...
A transit pod prototype designed and built by a team of student engineers from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) demonstrated the potential...