
CalChamber Comments, Raises Concerns, Calls for Extended Compliance Timeline

On February 18, the California Chamber of Commerce submitted comments in response to the California Privacy Protection Agency’s (CPPA) request for public input on...

Proposed Privacy Regulations Will Hurt Business, Consumers

Businesses, consumers and governments in California will suffer net losses from proposed rules pending before the state privacy agency, according to a report released...

Draft Privacy Rules Spark Concerns from CalChamber, Business Groups

Proposed privacy regulations being developed by the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) Board are overly burdensome, insufficiently risk-based, and out of sync with requirements...

Many Privacy Rights Act Provisions Take Effect Jan. 1

Originally passed in 2018 and effective in 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a comprehensive privacy law aimed at enhancing California residents’...

Californians Deserve Better Data Privacy Laws, Not More

“As California goes, so too does the rest of the nation.” It is true that this state has long sought to lead the way and...

CalChamber, Coalitions Stop Privacy Proposals Having Unintended Consequences

Privacy legislation with broad consequences for the business community at large was stopped for the year in the Senate thanks to the opposition of...

Patchwork of State Privacy Legislation Continues as Colorado Adopts New Law

Colorado passed its Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) in June, bringing a familiar but distinct new privacy regime to the growing patchwork of privacy legislation...

California Officials Announce Appointments to California Privacy Protection Agency Board

The inaugural board for the new California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) was announced on March 17. The five-member board represents the first-ever dedicated privacy...

Businesses Ask Attorney General for More Time to Comply with Unfinished Privacy Act Regulations

While Californians struggle to shoulder the economic impacts of COVID-19, business owners are being asked to spend money and resources on compliance with new...

Privacy Act Rules: Business Needs More Time to Comply

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging the Attorney General to delay the enforcement date for regulations implementing the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The...