Cal/OSHA Corner

State Adopts Multiple New Safety/Health Regulation Packages

As the owner of a small manufacturing business, I would like to know if there were any new regulations adopted by the Occupational Safety...

New Rule Allows Use of Tractor-Mounted Worker Transport Carrier

We are an agribusiness specializing in row crops. Has Cal/OSHA amended Section 3441 to permit the use of devices attached to the three-point hitch...

Outdoor Workers Subject to New Heat Illness Prevention Rule on May 1

I have outdoor workers. How are recent heat illness prevention regulation revisions going to affect the way I do business? On September 25, 2014, the...

Personal Protective Equipment Standards Get California Update

Have there been any recent revisions to the General Industry Safety Orders, Article 10, Personal Protective Equipment? The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board, in...

Bookmark Standards Board Website for Updates on Rulemaking

Being a small manufacturing company with limited resources, how can I determine if and when the Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) Standards Board is...