Cal/OSHA Corner

Quick Overview of May 6 Version of Emergency COVID Standards

What is happening with Cal/OSHA’s emergency temporary standard for COVID-19? The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has adopted the third iteration of the...

Standards Board to Consider Update to Required First-Aid Kit Contents

I hear that the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Board) will be considering a revision to the requirement to obtain a physician’s approval...

Toxic Substance Exposure Requires Record Retention for 30 Years

As a manufacturer of products containing small amounts of toxic or harmful substances listed on the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS),...

State Prepares to Make It Easier to Find All Crane Safety Requirements

What is happening with the safety orders for cranes, derricks and hoisting equipment? The Cal/OSHA Standards Board is proposing to consolidate in one location the...

Wildfire Safety Training, Other Topics at Cal/OSHA Training Academy

As an employer located where there is potential for extensive wildland fires, where can I find information about complying with the wildfire smoke safety...

Quick Overview of Changes to COVID-19 Emergency Standard

I read that the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board adopted a revised version of the Emergency Temporary Standard for employee safety regarding the...

Adopted Wildfire Smoke Regulation Clarifies Employer Obligations

With a new fire season approaching, has Cal/OSHA developed additional regulations to address the hazards and mitigation of employee exposure to wildfire smoke? The emergency...

Cal/OSHA Provides Model Template for COVID-19 Prevention Plan

Where can I find a copy or example of a COVID-19 Prevention Plan? In conjunction with the recent adoption of the COVID-19 emergency regulations, the...

Recent Standards Board Rule Revisions Affect Many Businesses

We are a small machine shop that specializes in custom automotive parts and one of our employees recently requested a copy of our Injury...

When to Record, Report COVID-19 Occurrence in Workplace

What are the California Department of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) requirements for reporting occurrences of COVID-19 in the workplace? Cal/OSHA has provided guidelines in...