The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.

Governor Urges Restraint in Proposed Fiscal Plan

Emphasizing his commitment to fiscal prudence, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. this week proposed a $171 billion state balanced budget with no new general...

CalChamber Board Backs Education Facilities Bond

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has voted to support the Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016,...

CalChamber Labor Law Updates for New Year

To help employers make a smooth transition to the new year, the California Chamber of Commerce is offering new laws updates in a variety...

California Back on Top in Ranking of ‘Judicial Hellholes’ in Nation

California has once again been identified as the No. 1 “Judicial Hellhole” in the nation, according to the latest ranking of the “most unfair”...

CalChamber Opposing Newest Initiative Plan to Hike Tax Burden on Commercial Property

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has voted to oppose an initiative proposal to impose a “surcharge” of up to 1% on...

National Editor Comments on Volatile Presidential Campaign Politics

William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard and a regular on political commentary shows, shares anecdotes with the CalChamber Board of Directors on the...

Higher Education Officials Outline Plans to Increase Degree Recipients

Dr. Timothy P. White, chancellor of The California State University (CSU), and Dr. Brice Harris, chancellor of the California Community Colleges, present an overview...

CalChamber Committee Reviews State/Federal Drought Activity

The CalChamber Water Committee takes a closer look during its December 3 meeting at state regulatory actions related to the drought, courtesy of Rami...

CalChamber to Present 2016 Employment Law Updates in January

For clear explanations of employer obligations, take a seat at one of the California Chamber of Commerce 2016 Employment Law Updates seminars in January. Join...

California Launches Campaign to Educate Individuals About Earned Income Tax Credit

A coalition of California leaders—including community, faith, civic, labor and business leaders—this week launched CalEITC4me, a statewide campaign to ensure the first-ever California Earned...

Workshops to Explain How to Apply for California Competes Tax Credit

The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is conducting free workshops across the state to explain how businesses apply for the California...

8 CalChamber Members Creating Jobs with Help from Tax Credit

Eight California Chamber of Commerce member companies have been selected by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) as recipients for the...

Affordable Care Act: CalChamber-Hosted Webinar Recording Available

Beginning in 2016, employers subject to the mandate in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) must comply with reporting requirements concerning the health insurance coverage...

Californians Keep Cumulative Water Savings Above 25% Mandate

Californians have reduced water use by 27.1% since emergency conservation rules took effect in June, according to state officials. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. mandated...

CalChamber-Endorsed Plan to Close Workforce Gap Gets Unanimous Approval

The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges this week unanimously approved recommendations of a special task force on how to strengthen workforce...

Court Accepts CalChamber Brief Supporting Vergara Education Case

A friend-of-the-court brief filed by the California Chamber of Commerce and other business organizations supporting the landmark decision in Vergara v. California has been...