The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.

Update on Harmful Proposals as Legislature Heads for Summer Break

In Episode 179 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Helpline manager and employment law counsel Matthew Roberts and Chris Micheli, of Aprea & Micheli, give...

CalChamber Joins Coalition Supporting Resilient Tourism Economy in LA Area

The California Chamber of Commerce has joined a broad, diverse coalition supporting a resilient tourism economy in the Los Angeles Area. The Alliance for Economic...

Community College Baccalaureate Programs Feed Regional Workforce

The Baccalaureate Degree Programs at California Community Colleges have been a catalyst of economic and regional development since their inception in 2014. The focused baccalaureate...

Job Killer Bills Move Thru Senate Policy Committees

Two labor and employment bills identified as job killers by the California Chamber of Commerce won approval this week in the first Senate committees...

Cal/OSHA Indoor Heat Regulations, Status of SB 553 Workplace Violence Rules

In Episode 178 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts sits down with CalChamber Policy Advocate Robert Moutrie to discuss the...

Small Businesses May Apply Now to Recover Costs through COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave Relief Grant Program

Eligible California small businesses may apply now for a state program that awards funds for costs incurred from the COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave. Under...

Legislature Should Embrace What’s Good for California: Infrastructure Reforms

Everybody talks about fixing California’s infrastructure; now we have a chance to do something about it. Last month Governor Newsom proposed a comprehensive package to...

Newest Job Killers Target Grocery Workers, Tax Rates

Bills expanding lawsuit conditions for grocery workers and increasing tax rates for successful California businesses have been added to the California Chamber of Commerce...

CalChamber Urges Support for Governor’s Infrastructure Plan

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging legislators to adopt the bills in Governor Gavin Newsom’s infrastructure streamlining package. These proposals, CalChamber President and CEO...

CalChamber-Opposed Bills Miss Deadline

Two problematic bills opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce failed to move out of the Assembly last week and are likely dead for...

Visit California Partners with Communities to Drive Smart, Sustainable Tourism Growth

This article is a part of a series of profiles of CalChamber member companies that are contributing to the state’s economic strength and ability...

Identifying Indicators of Distress and Ways Employers Can Help

In Episode 176 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts speaks with clinical social worker Amanda Gibson about mental health in...

Employer Best Practices to Ensure Compliance with State Equal Pay Act

In Episode 177 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts sits down with Bianca Saad, CalChamber vice president of labor and...

Economic Analyses Assess Job Loss, Budget Impact of Job Killer Bills

The economic impacts of two labor and employment bills identified as job killers by the California Chamber of Commerce are projected in recent analyses...

Infrastructure, Innovation Highlighted by Key Speakers

California’s infrastructure needs and ability to find innovative solutions were highlighted last week in remarks at the 97th Annual Sacramento Host Breakfast. California Governor Gavin...

Two Job Killer Bills Held in Appropriations; 2 Job Creators Move

Eight job killer proposals identified by the California Chamber of Commerce this year remain alive after last week’s deadline for fiscal committees to send...

Find Common Ground, Path to Solutions to Produce Long-Term Success for All

Following are remarks presented by Gregory S. Bielli, 2023 chair of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, at the 97th Annual Sacramento...