This article is part of a series of profiles of CalChamber member companies that are contributing to the state’s economic strength and ability to stay competitive in a global economy. Visit California Works to learn more about this series and read past and future profiles.
Energy Solutions
Providing end-to-end energy solutions
NextEra Energy Resources, LLC is the world’s largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and sun, and a world leader in battery storage.
NextEra Energy Resources, which is the competitive clean energy business owned by NextEra Energy, Inc., is committed to supplying energy-related products and services that spur economic growth, advance environmental protections, and support communities.
The company has the resources, skills and expertise to help customers achieve business and sustainability goals.

Since 1989, NextEra Energy Resources’ subsidiaries have been helping fuel California’s economic growth and quality of life. NextEra Energy Resources’ subsidiaries own and operate wind facilities, solar facilities, transmission assets and battery energy storage systems in more than 20 counties across California, in addition to several projects in development.
California is ranked No. 1 in installed solar capacity, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association. NextEra Energy Resources plays a role in the state’s clean energy future through operations at its wind and solar generating facilities and at its battery energy storage facilities.
As of the end of 2022, NextEra Energy Resources owns and/or operates approximately 27,400 megawatts (MW) of wind, solar, natural gas and nuclear energy resources in 40 states and Canada and is among the leaders in bringing new renewable energy projects online each year.
In California, NextEra Energy Resources is expected to bring more than 600 MW of solar and battery energy storage resources online in 2024.

Strong Relationships
Building strong relationships in California and across North America
Renewable energy projects represent a clean, cost-effective way to meet customers’ energy needs. In California and across North America, NextEra Energy Resources is collaborating with companies that buy wind- and solar-generated electricity to provide to residential and commercial markets throughout their service areas. Electric utilities, cooperatives and municipalities have joined in providing this clean, renewable power to their customers.
NextEra Energy Resources believes in building strong relationships and supporting local communities. The company supports local community activities and causes, including charities and other nonprofit organizations.
In 2022, NextEra Energy and its employees contributed more than $25 million to support wide-ranging initiatives and causes that contribute to the well-being of local communities.
The company’s investment in California is approximately $10 billion in capital investment. Subsidiaries of NextEra Energy Resources have an annual payroll of approximately $65.2 million in California, resulting in the creation of more than 300 operational jobs, and make annual land payments of about $22 million to California landowners on whose properties projects are located.
NextEra Energy Resources’ operating wind, solar and battery energy storage sites benefit local economies by generating $34 million in annual property tax revenues that support the state and local government, as well as area schools.
In addition to creating jobs, improving roads and contributing significantly to the local tax base, renewable energy development provides indirect income to local businesses, including hotels, restaurants, caterers and office supply companies.
Helping drive the decarbonization of the U.S. economy
NextEra Energy Resources has been involved in clean energy development since the 1980s and has invested nearly $40 billion in wind, solar and battery energy storage since 2012. The company has earned a reputation for excellence and experience in developing, constructing and operating wind, solar and battery energy storage projects across North America.
In 2022, NextEra Energy released a plan to decarbonize the company aimed at achieving zero carbon emissions by 2045 — this means 100% clean energy, at no incremental cost to customers and without requiring carbon offsets for success.
This is the most ambitious target set by any U.S. energy producer and with its size, scale and expertise, NextEra Energy Resources will continue to help decarbonize more of the U.S. power sector and lead the decarbonization of the U.S. economy.
Offering a diversified portfolio of solutions
NextEra Energy Resources’ key strengths lie in its diverse, comprehensive portfolio of solutions, transmission expertise, data and analytics, and innovative renewable and storage development platforms.
The company has strategically invested in a mix of zero-carbon solutions, including wind, solar, hydrogen, and energy storage. NextEra Energy Resources has a portfolio of power-generating facilities including wind, solar, natural gas and nuclear energy resources.
While current solutions enable decarbonization, NextEra Energy Resources believes that achieving zero-carbon emissions across the United States will require the exploration of emerging technologies. As a pioneer in the renewable space, NextEra Energy Resources will continue to keep its eye on emerging technologies to assess their potential.
Environmental Stewardship
Operating in harmony with the environment
NextEra Energy Resources promotes the generation of clean energy using clean-burning fuels or renewable resources. The company also incorporates environmental stewardship into the design, construction, operation and maintenance of its facilities.
Through that steadfast commitment, NextEra Energy Resources is working to ensure that the growing demand for power is met in the most environmentally responsible manner.