Overview of March Ballot Measure

Following is a brief summary of the measure that will appear on the March 3 Primary Election ballot. The reasons for the California Chamber of Commerce position are summarized.

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For more information on the ballot measure, see the link listed below or visit the website of the Secretary of State at www.sos.ca.gov.

Proposition 13

Authorizes Bonds for Facility Repair, Construction, and Modernization at Public Preschools, K–12 Schools, Community Colleges, and Universities.

Authorizes $15 billion in state general obligation bonds for construction and modernization of public education facilities.

Placed on Ballot by: Legislature.

CalChamber Position: Support

Reasons for Position

CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg has commented: “California needs to invest in our future workforce, whether they be in K–12 or higher education, and Proposition 13 will provide the facilities for California students to be the successful entrepreneurs and workers of tomorrow.”

The CalChamber historically has supported statewide school construction bonds. The CalChamber Board voted to support this measure because it will help moderate the cost of new housing by preventing new local mitigation fees, as without new state funding, builders who pay fees to mitigate school impacts will see those fees double or triple as school districts demand full mitigation. Depending on the jurisdiction, school impact fees could increase by $15,000 or more per unit over what is currently being paid.

Proposition 13 on the March ballot (which should not be confused with the landmark, property tax-cutting Proposition 13 initiative passed in 1978) would generate $9 billion for K–12 facilities, and $2 billion each for the California Community College, California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) systems.

The K–12 spending would be allocated for new construction ($2.8 billion), modernization/rehabilitation of old facilities ($5.2 billion, including $150 million to remediate lead infiltration in school plumbing), career-technical education facilities ($500 million), and charter schools ($500 million). The measure also provides immediate relief, such as temporary facilities, for schools affected by natural disasters (such as recent wildfires).

For higher education, the measure prioritizes deferred maintenance, seismic and safety issues. It also requires the UC and CSU systems to adopt five-year affordable student housing plans.

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