The shortage of teachers in California was the focus of a panel discussion at the recent meeting of the California Chamber of Commerce Education Committee.
Panelists examined the teacher shortage and possible solutions from the perspectives of teachers, administrators, and teacher educators.

The speakers were:
• Dr. Judy Mantle, dean, Sanford College of Education, National University. The college is among the top 10 schools nationwide providing training and professional development to teachers.
• Dr. John Davis, dean, College of Education, California State University (CSU), Dominguez Hills. Like other CSU campuses, Dominguez Hills offers a teacher credentialing program.
• Chris Adams, assistant executive director of educational services, Association of California School Administrators.
• Evan Stone, co-founder and co-CEO, Educators 4 Excellence, a teacher-led organization that seeks to ensure that teachers’ voices are meaningfully included in the policy decisions that have an impact on classrooms and careers.
• Mike Stryer, California senior executive director, Teach Plus, a national nonprofit teacher voice organization.
Staff Contact: Mira Morton