Tag: Liability

Key to Reopening—Liability Protection

As businesses throughout the state start to reopen, there is a looming question as to whether it is safe. Consumers want to resume a...

Opposition Stops Some Job Killers; Others Amended

Opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce and allied groups has stopped a number of job killer bills in recent weeks while amendments have...

New Proposition 65 Rules Include Supply Chain Liability

Minimizing liability is quintessential for any prudent business. Liability could mean costly lawsuits, the loss of valuable business opportunities or relationships, large monetary penalties, serious...

Opposition Stops Harmful Proposals in Closing Days of Legislative Session

A number of California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills missed the August 17 deadline to move beyond the fiscal committees of either the Assembly or...

Action Needed to Stop Consumer Litigation Bill

The California Chamber of Commerce and a large coalition are working to stop a job killer proposal that will subject businesses and nonprofits to...

Author Revives Plan to Impose Retroactive Liability on Product Makers

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed proposal to create an unprecedented basis for product liability has been revived by the author after the first attempt...

Lead Paint Liability Expansion Passes First Committee in Senate

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that significantly expands public nuisance liability in California passed a Senate policy committee this week. The CalChamber opposes AB...

Opposition Stops Retroactive Liability for Product Manufacturers, Distributors

A coalition led by the California Chamber of Commerce has stopped legislation that would have created an extraordinary new scheme of product liability resulting...