Tag: General Industry Safety Orders

Proposed Changes to Confined Spaces Rule Include ‘Rescue Services’

What is the status of changes to the Cal/OSHA regulation for construction in confined spaces? A hearing has been held on proposed revisions, but the...

Lead Exposure Standard: Big Changes Take Effect January 1, 2025

What changes has Cal/OSHA made to its standard for exposure to lead in construction and other industries? The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA)...

State Prepares to Make It Easier to Find All Crane Safety Requirements

What is happening with the safety orders for cranes, derricks and hoisting equipment? The Cal/OSHA Standards Board is proposing to consolidate in one location the...

Revised Rules Affect Steel/Concrete, Electrical Work and More

Can you provide a summary of occupational safety rules that went into effect over the last year that haven’t yet been included in a...

Construction Industry, Concrete Makers* Subject to New Silica Dust Rules

The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) promulgated regulations limiting worker exposure levels to respirable crystalline silica to 50 micrograms per cubic meter...

Latest Regulation Packages Cover Skylights, Circular Saws and More

As the owner of a small manufacturing company, I would like to know if the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (Board) has adopted...