Tag: Construction Safety Orders

Proposed Changes to Confined Spaces Rule Include ‘Rescue Services’

What is the status of changes to the Cal/OSHA regulation for construction in confined spaces? A hearing has been held on proposed revisions, but the...

Lead Exposure Standard: Big Changes Take Effect January 1, 2025

What changes has Cal/OSHA made to its standard for exposure to lead in construction and other industries? The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA)...

State Prepares to Make It Easier to Find All Crane Safety Requirements

What is happening with the safety orders for cranes, derricks and hoisting equipment? The Cal/OSHA Standards Board is proposing to consolidate in one location the...

Revised Rules Affect Steel/Concrete, Electrical Work and More

Can you provide a summary of occupational safety rules that went into effect over the last year that haven’t yet been included in a...

Construction Industry, Concrete Makers* Subject to New Silica Dust Rules

The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) promulgated regulations limiting worker exposure levels to respirable crystalline silica to 50 micrograms per cubic meter...