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How to Count Months with Company for State Family Rights Act Leave

I have a former seasonal employee who became a regular employee about 9 months ago and is asking for a leave of absence to...

Indoor Heat Rule Moves to Next Step After Unusual Cal/OSHA Board Vote

The proposed regulation to prevent heat illness in indoor workplaces awaits an uncertain fate at the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) following a tempestuous...

CalChamber Engages with Regional Allies

Over a couple of weeks in March, the team at the California Chamber of Commerce had the privilege of participating in our allies’ events...

Growing Coalition Backs Reform of State’s Broken Private Attorneys General Act

A broad and growing coalition of more than 120 organizations and businesses, including the California Chamber of Commerce, have joined the Fix PAGA coalition...

European Parliament Members Visit CalChamber

Five members of the European Parliament visited the California Chamber of Commerce on March 21 under the auspices of the German Marshall Fund of...

CalChamber-Opposed AI Regulation Bill Passes Judiciary Committee

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that creates confusing and infeasible requirements for artificial intelligence (AI) technology developers passed the Senate Judiciary Committee this...

CalChamber Sponsors Bill to Protect Small Businesses

Legislation sponsored by the California Chamber of Commerce to ease the regulatory burden on small businesses is moving in the California Assembly. AB 2011 (Bauer-Kahan;...

CalChamber President Underscores Support for Equal Pay Pledge

On National Equal Pay Day last week, CalChamber President and CEO Jennifer Barrera joined California First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and others at an...

CFRA/FMLA Leave for Elective Surgeries

My employee is requesting CFRA/FMLA leave to have elective surgery. He is potentially eligible for leave because he has worked full-time for us for...

Registration Opens for Capitol Summit

Registration is open now for the California Chamber of Commerce Capitol Summit, set for May 8 in Sacramento. CalChamber President and CEO Jennifer Barrera will...