
Video Podcast Recaps PAGA Reform Agreement

 CalChamber President and CEO Jennifer Barrera and CalChamber Associate General Counsel Matthew Roberts discuss in a video podcast the negotiated agreement leading to the...

Cal/OSHA Standards Board Adopts Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Rule

Last week, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board adopted the long-awaited regulations to protect employees working indoors from heat illness. The California Legislature had directed the California...

CalChamber Continues Challenge to Proposed Antitrust Overhaul

The California Chamber of Commerce last week provided a second round of comments to a state commission that California’s antitrust and competition laws should...

California Bill Restricting Self-Checkout Lanes Could Raise Business Costs by Half-Billion Dollars Annually

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed proposal that dictates store staffing and operations could raise business operating costs by at least $497.1 million annually, according...

CalChamber-Opposed Autonomous Vehicle Bill Held

California Chamber of Commerce-opposed legislation creating a patchwork of potentially conflicting rules for autonomous vehicles has been put on hold for the year. The bill,...

Agreement Reached to Reform Private Attorneys General Act

The California Chamber of Commerce and the Fix PAGA coalition, representing non-profits, social justice advocates, family farmers, health care providers and businesses, are supporting...

CalChamber Opposes Bill Impeding Progress on Broadband for All

Legislation that slows broadband deployment is being opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce and associations committed to preventing digital discrimination of access to...

PAGA Reform Agreement Makes Headlines

Below is a sampling of news coverage on this week’s PAGA reform agreement: “California Business and Labor Make a Deal on Workplace Violation Lawsuits”—...

No-Growth Job Killer Dies

A job killer proposal to place no-growth language in the state Constitution that will in effect stop development has been stopped for the year. In...

CalChamber-Sponsored Family Leave Mediation Bill Continues to Move

Legislation sponsored by the California Chamber of Commerce to make permanent the small employer family leave mediation program continues to move. AB 2011 (Bauer-Kahan; D-Orinda),...