CalChamber Small Business Awards to Recognize Outstanding Companies

The California Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce the Small Business Awards, honoring four outstanding businesses with $5,000 grants.

Recipients will be recognized for their innovation, leadership and community impact at the California Business Outlook Dinner on June 4 in Sacramento.

This initiative is made possible through the support of Visit California, California New Car Dealers Association (CNCDA), the California Retailers Association, the California Restaurant Association, Western Growers, and the Sacramento Host Committee, which share the CalChamber commitment to championing California’s small businesses.

Businesses can self-nominate or be nominated by a local chamber or community member.

Who Can Apply?

To qualify for the grant, businesses must meet the definition of “Small Business” per California Government Code Section 14837:

  • Be independently owned and operated.
  • Have a principal office and officers in California.
  • Have 100 or fewer employees.
  • Have an average annual gross revenue of $15 million or less over the past three years.
  • Be available to attend the California Business Outlook Dinner in Sacramento.
  • Please review additional Terms & Conditions.

Award Categories

Winners will be selected in the following categories:

  • One small business affected by the Eaton Fire (LA area).
  • One small business affected by the Palisades Fire (LA area).
  • Two small businesses representing the Greater California Area.

To Apply

For more details on eligibility and selection criteria and to apply, visit the Small Business Awards page.

Applications close on April 11.